[Foundation-l] Site notice change

David Strauss david at fourkitchens.com
Wed Dec 27 04:00:13 UTC 2006

NullC just informed me that we originally promised to link to the
official sites. I agree that we should not renege on that promise.

Kirill Lokshin wrote:
> On 12/26/06, David Strauss <david at fourkitchens.com> wrote:
>> It's not Virgin's choice. If they get to dictate the nature of their
>> representation, it starts to border on advertising. I think we'll have
>> better credibility with the community if we link to an article.
> True, and I doubt that they can dictate anything at this point.  I
> nevertheless think that it would be rather crass of us to not link to
> them if we told them that we would do so when the matching donation
> was arranged.  (I have no idea if this was actually the case, though;
> presumably Danny would know.)
> In any case, there's still the issue of finding something suitable to
> link to.  The en: article on the group
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_Group) is in pretty poor shape,
> and the handful of other languages don't seem to be any better.

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