[Foundation-l] To all non latin wikis please start blocking latin wiki accounts

Nathaniel Krause nathanielkrause at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 23 05:11:14 UTC 2006

While this may well be important, it doesn't seem to be quite the same thing as what we've been discussing, i.e. whether usernames should be transliterated into the script that is local to the Wikipedia in question, not whether the result of the transliteration will seem correct in a given language. It may be that лл never appears in Serbian and Montenegrin, but nobody on en would object to a username containing "Qv", even though that sequence never appears in English. A topic which may have to be discussed at some point but which seems rather tangential right now is whether the Cyrillic script (or the Latin, for that matter) is one alphabet or several.


Nat Krause

On 12/23/06, Milos Rancic wrote:

Hm. In Serbian and Macedonian we are using strictly transcriptions,
not transliterations. So, it should be something like
English->IPA->Serbian/Macedonian. Howerver, the process is not so
simple and in some cases we are using combinied transcription and
transliteration, as well as somtimes historic names. The best examples
are name Angela and surname Wales -- for both of them we are using
historical names (not transcription Ејнџела but historical name
Анђела; not transcription Вејлз, but historical name for the country
Walest -- Велс). However, engine is

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