[Foundation-l] Drupal POT Translation Completed/Cherokee C.O.R.E. Translation

Jeffrey V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Thu Dec 21 07:13:00 UTC 2006

Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:

Complete translations of all Drupal .pot message files into Cherokee 
have been posted to:

Cherokee Syllabary ISO 639 Code CHR

Cherokee Text ISO 639 (english replacement)

I have also emailed Drupal. These POT files were constructed based upon 
the templates on
Drupal's site. The AI engine in wikitrans is getting better. 3 passes, 1 
hour review/corrections, and its done.

Now that you have the POT files for Drupal in Cherokee, there is no 
reaons C.O.R.E. cannot have Cherokee
language code support added.


>>There's still no translation of Drupal at
>>http://drupal.org/project/Translations . Without that translation, almost
>>nothing on the site would actually be translated. The other languages added
>>all have language packs, though I can't add Slovenian for the same reason as
>I'll log into their site and see if I can whip one out quickly. I do 
>have the most powerful computer assisted translation engine for Cherokee 
>on the planet. Piece of cake.

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