[Foundation-l] Fundraising update

Aphaia aphaia at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 10:34:23 UTC 2006

On 12/18/06, Anthere <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Aphaia wrote:
> > Thanks, Brad, for your clarification.
> >
> > On 12/18/06, Brad Patrick <bpatrick at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> >
> >>I think the best approach is to keep the notice, and add individual
> >>localized information on the Deductability of Donations page, see DE and
> >>FR comments, for example. This will prevent any confusion that may arise
> >>about the law that applies to WMF in other countries.
> >
> >
> > So how are we going to clarify it? Here we need clear criteria what to
> > describe and not. Currently the default link may be led to
> > deductability page in English and now mentions only US, Deutschland (
> > in German) and France ( in French). There is no other country or area
> > information. Some editor tried to add "no deductability in ..." in her
> > language, but self-reverted. Similar ideas could happen to arise in
> > other's mind.
> I think "her" was I in this case. It was for the swiss chapter. I
> realised I was not sure it was tax deductible (yet ?). The only chapters
> I am sure have tax deduc are the french and german. I know the italian
> does not as it is clearly mentionned on the site. For the other ones, I
> just have idea. I prefered removing the info by default.

Ah, you did? No, I meant another lady. She wrote "in (her country) no
tax is deductible" and then reverted it soon. Afterwards she made her
language version to mention unavailability. Just days ago. So now I
convince more we need a criteria. Things twice happened would happen

> > - Yes, add your country information in your language to the central page !
> > - Eh, sorry no, we are going to say "In other countries no tax
> > deductability is available as of December 18, 2006" on that page
> > additionaly, and encourage you to their language page.
> >
> > Which direction are we going? Thoughts?
> > Cheers,
> An important point to mention is that the chapters are different legal
> entities than the Foundation. It may be (likely it is) that the money
> collected by chapters serve the exact same mission than WMF, but we can
> not garantee that to donators. So, somehow, we need to make it clear
> that there is a difference. So, the general idea is not
> We can give in countries x, y and z and get tax deductibility. In
> others, no tax deduc
> The general idea is
> The Foundaiton is tax deduc in the USA and no where else. If you want to
> help and want some tax deduction, consider giving to the chapters, which
> are different entities, but helping toward similar goals.
> This does not confuse people in thinking they are giving to the same
> entity, only with different bank localizations.

/me nods.
As non-English native, I would like some English speaker make a draft
mentioning the above.
KIZU Naoko
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