[Foundation-l] Throwing some data onto the flamefest fire (was: English Wikipedia ethnocentric policy affects other communities)

Luiz Augusto lugusto at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 19:45:57 UTC 2006


On 12/22/06, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gmaxwell/nonalphausers
> On 12/21/06, Yann Forget <yann at forget-me.net> wrote:
> > If you want this to be meaningful, you need to remove accounts with only
> > Arabic numbers. Obviously these can be recognized easily by English-only
> > speakers.
> Some are, some are not. 863929163 is not too easily remembered,
> although I can type it. While 555 is a fine name for an English
> speaker to communicate with... Feel free to skip over the ones that
> seem too English compatible. With 1000 in the list there are plenty to
> look at.

Related to numbers-only usernames: since the activation of the Antispoof
extension is imposible to create a new user account of this type. I'am
([[m:User:555]]) unable to create new accounts on any Wikimedia, needing to
ask for a local admin to create a new one to me, or using my old
wiki-username. [1]

Others wikis have a policy fully disallowing any number on usernames. And,
the etnocentrich policy is currently active in some more Wikimedia wikis [2]

[2] http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiuto:Nome_utente#Nomi_utente_inappropriati,

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