[Foundation-l] English Wikipedia ethnocentric policy affects other communities

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 22 02:29:04 UTC 2006

--- geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12/22/06, Birgitte SB <birgitte_sb at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > I do not understand what this has to do with
> non-latin
> > usernames.  This threat is just as real for *all*
> > usernames.  A sockpuppet can be built up on it.WP
> and
> > do this same damage.  But en.WP does not block
> italian
> > usernames on sight.  Only non-latin usernames. 
> How is
> > a non-latin username a greater threat to be a
> sleeper
> > vandal than a latin username?  I really do not
> > understand the problem in this regard.
> >
> > Birgitte SB
> >
> Information is the first principle of controling
> vandles. If there is
> a username you can't read that is an edge you have
> lost.
> -- 
> geni

We would have a better edge on vandalism if we
required confirmed email adresses before allowing a
user to edit.  But the goal of Wikipedia is not
prevent vandalism at all costs.  I really don't
understand the particular problem with non-latin
vandals.  More inforamation is always better but why
is this information needed for vandal-fighting?  I
have never had to type in any username to make a
block.  Everything is dome by clicking through links. 
Click on  a diff to confirm vandalism, click on block
to block the user, click on contribs to cleanup the
mess.  For a major vandal; paste the link to the
contribs on IRC to solict help.  Whether the username
is english, bosian, or ????; I am not sure how it
would make a difference.  What do vandal fighters as
en.WP do differently than that makes non-latin
usernames a significant problem?

Birgitte SB

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