[Foundation-l] board, babysitting, speaking engagements, etc.

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Thu Aug 17 11:43:59 UTC 2006

On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 01:14:13AM +0200, Delphine Ménard wrote:
> Resending in the thread, sorry for the mishap.
> This return on investment could be on an "assume good faith" basis,
> ie. if a speaker is offered XXX dollars per year to give speeches,
> they might want to make a donation to the Foundation one day or the
> other, or at least be in a position where they can attest their talk
> has brought something to the Foundation, may it be contacts (and hence
> potential sponsors that turn into real sponsors), a great press
> coverage (and hence an increase in donations) etc.

Surprisingly, doing the right speech at the right location might also
further our objectives much more than any amount of money might buy us. :-P 

Pecunia non olet, but next to getting money (which is very important,
for sure!) , I think a speech or activity that furthers our objectives
directly can also often be very useful.

read you soon,
	Kim Bruning

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