[Foundation-l] CheckUser (thoughts)

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 22 13:32:15 UTC 2006

--- Anthere <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> What that suggest me is this
> We should not have checkusers with the tool access
> on a one project/one 
> language, but a POOL of COMMON checkusers. Those
> should all have good 
> technical abilities. Those would have access
> everywhere. They would be 
> listed on meta with their language ability. The
> biggest projects would 
> be used to always ask to their favorites. The small
> languages will try 
> to find the one with a basic knowledge of their
> language if they wish.
> But all in all, checkusers should be a common good,
> just as our 
> developers right now are (and, hell, just as your
> board members are).
> Ant

I think this is a good solution also.  I would also
like to see people with current access have an option
of joining the pool or not.  That should preveent us
repeating the problem of thinking we have people to
help the smaller project on paper, but in reality no
one has the time or else feels uncomfortable working
with unfamilar projects.  Honestly I am sure there are
some members of enWP arcom who have access but do not
have time to answer requests at large.  I have never
had an issue with working through someone else to get
this information.  I do not mind not having a local
checkuser.  However I would like to be sure that this
pool will actually be made up people who are wiling to
make themselves available.  And I can understand how
the very large projects do need dedicated checkusers
for something like arbcom.  So I think we need a
policy  that allows for a large pool of people to work
checkuser at large along with some dedicated to
projects.  I know this sounds alot like the current
policy.  However the pool of checkusers should be
larger and and full of more technical expertise than
the pool of stewrads.  Also they will be people who
have explicitly offered to use their access for
problems on small projects.  So although it  looks
similar to current policy on paper, I think that it
would have different results.

Birgitte SB

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