[Foundation-l] Answers.com and Wikimedia Foundation to Form NewPartnership

MHart wiki at matthart.com
Mon Oct 24 14:45:03 UTC 2005

>> "That page will highlight the "1-Click Answers, Wikipedia Edition"

"The Wikimedia Foundation. Wikipedia will create a Tools page on its
English-language site to promote useful tools that access Wikipedia,
and 1-Click Answers, Wikipedia Edition, will receive charter placement
on that page." <<

As long as other tools can be given placement based upon the wishes of "the 
crowd" (editors and contributors), then it seems aligned with the goals of 
wikipedia/wikimedia. If it is given placement above, or emphasis is given 
above some other tool that is considered by the crowd to be "free and 
better/more useful", and that placement is due to the partnership and 
revenue, then that feels like advertising and against the free and open, 
user-contributed goals of wikipedia/wikimedia.

If "charter placement on that page" means emphasis that other, potentially 
better tools cannot obtain, then it is advertising.

- MHart

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