[Foundation-l] Wikinews is giving out press credentials

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 10 13:18:49 UTC 2005

--- Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se> wrote:
> The interesting question is what happens when one Wikinews 
> reporter abuses her credentials?  Say for example that you are let 
> into a press conference, and there you start to throw eggs and 
> tomatoes on the politician.  Who apologizes to the organizers?  
> Who revokes the credentials for the reporter who misbehaved?  Who 
> promises that this won't happen again?
> I guess it would have to be the press officer (Elian) or chairman 
> (Jimbo) of the Wikimedia Foundation.  But I'm just guessing.
> If getting press credentials is too easy, they can easily be 
> abused, and their value/usefulness might fall very quickly.

The good name of Wikinews and the foundation would also be harmed. This is
exactly why the foundation needs to give this process high level oversight
(again - all accreditation and reaccrediation will be handled by the community
and almost all deaccreditation will be done by the community as well). I know
that the potential of Jimbo being able to step in and nullify the ArbCom was
often on my mind when I worked on that body. I think that that potentiality
helped the ArbCom from going too far in the direction of grabbing power. People
also need permission to use our marks in a way that implies an official
connection. It is one thing to say you are a Wikinews reporter, it is something
else entirely to say you are a credentialed Wikinews reporter and for you to
show a badge with your photo, name, the Wikinews mark and the Wikinews logo on
it. The first case does not require permission, the second case does. 

-- mav

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