[Foundation-l] Wikinews is giving out press credentials

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 6 21:08:48 UTC 2005

Who gave the Wikinews community persmission to give out press credentials to
its users? This is a major abuse of the Wikinews trademark and could put the
foundation in legal jeopardy or at least subject it to bad press if one of the
credentialed users abuse the Wikinews name to gain access they should not be


Nobody on that list has the right to use the Wikinews or Wikimedia trademarks
in a way that would suggest any official status to the passes. Thus those names
and logos can not be used on the passes without either Foundation or a local
chapter approval and oversight. 

Either the foundation should officially get involved with handing out
credentials, or the nonsense going on at Wikinews should stop. 

-- mav

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