[Foundation-l] Official Positions

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 11:59:58 UTC 2005

--- Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia.com> wrote:
> Although many people do wonderful for Wikimedia and its projects, I
> would like to formally recognize a few of those people today. Daniel
> Mayer has had the title of Chief Financial Officer for the last year,
> and has done some amazing work in this role, often despite being in
> the difficult situation of not having access to the Foundation's bank
> account. I would like to invite him to continue in this role for the
> following year, with the promise of getting him better access to the
> data, by changing banks if necessary.  (Don't get me started about
> stupid online banking systems!)

Thank you for the compliment and I accept your nomination. There is still so
much I would like to do in this position that is dependent on having near real
time access to the foundation’s financial data. So I very much so look forward
to getting read access to the foundation’s bank account (I will call the bank
today to get a detailed explanation on how you can set that up). 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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