[Foundation-l] Re: license evolution

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat May 21 07:30:56 UTC 2005

Robin Shannon wrote:

>How about this for a draft license:
>Wikimedia license 1.0
>this only exists to give us an escape route if need be
>Anything distributed under this license must conform to the terms and
>conditions of the CC-Wiki license or the GFDL license or the CC-BY-SA
>Anything licensed under this license will also be licensed under any
>later version of this license.
>If we put that into lawyer language, then we don't really have a
>proper license, but have the ability to add in another clause in a
>later version saying "and it must confom to the terms of the
>foo-licnese". Hence the wikimedia foundation can in effect add a new
>licnese which which will be backwards compatable when ever the need
>may come up.
>i dont know if this is actually legaly possible, but it might be worth a shot.
I don't know about the legal possibility, but I would question the 
ethics.  What it's saying is, "It doesn't matter what you agree to 
because we can unilaterally change it later anyway."


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