[Foundation-l] A license for the Ultimate Wiktionary

Robin Shannon robin.shannon at gmail.com
Fri May 20 00:51:49 UTC 2005

A solution that Jimbo suggested for a similar problem on wikinews, was
to require not only all contributions to be licensed under the
gfdl/cc/whatever but also a proviso that by editing you agree to allow
wikimedia to put your contributions under any license they want. So it
will always be gfdl/cc for ever no matter what wikimedia does or says,
but it can also be relicensed under a different license so that (for
example) it could be easily distributed in the .dict fromat.

btw, every time i look at wiktionary i just get more and more exicted
about its possibilites. It is such a potentialy awesome tool for
linguists, teachers, students of a second language, etc .

peace out,
-[[User:The bellman]]

hit me: <robin.shannon.id.au>
jab me: <robin.shannon at jabber.org.au>

This work is released into the public domain.

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