[Foundation-l] Wikiversity=>Wikisophia

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Tue May 10 15:05:36 UTC 2005


Your accusations are uncalled for. I will responed to the substantial 
points of your letter.

> a project that I and others have been keen on for a
> long time has been already decided.

Nothing has been decided. It is not clear at all that Wikiversity (or 
Wikisophia) will be launched, or what it will encompass. The procedure 
for new projects requires board approval and a vote, none of which has 
taken place.

> It depends what you're talking about. Myself and the others who've
> been pursuing this have a fair idea of how a tertiary-level system
> could work.  If you've got a way to expand it to primary and secondary
> education (without simply producing textbooks), I'm all ears.

This is what I'm currently exploring through an evaluation of existing 
Learning Management Systems. The key question to me is what changes need 
to be made to our software to support all types of learning and assessment.

> Wikipedia, Wiktionary,
> Wikisource and Wikibooks all make it reasonably clear from the title
> what the project is actually about. Where Wikiversity would follow
> this trend, "Wikisophia" is about as vague as you can get. It just
> screams "place to dump random stuff".

That's because, as I said, it is not at all clear what the scope of 
Wikisophia will be, whether it will, for example, include original 
research and publication, certification, summarization of certifications 
into degrees, and so on. A name that is reasonable open-ended allows us 
to explore the possibilities relatively freely.

> consult the community and put this through a vote.

I will proceed to do so.


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