[Foundation-l] Tax status in the Netherlands for the Foundation

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 08:41:18 UTC 2005

At this moment I am researching setting up a Dutch chapter. Today I 
learned that it is possible for the Foundation to be earmarked as a 
registered charity in the Netherlands. There are several things that we 
have to comply with BUT, we have to consider if we want to go this route.

* The Foundation has to be benefit the common good in the Netherlands
* The Foundation has to be an organisation that is truly active on a 
mondial basis
* There may not be an organisation representing the Foundation in the 

As far as I can tell we comply with these. The assesment of Kennisnet of 
our importance of our projects for the Dutch educational system proves 
the first one. Our aim is to have resources in all languages, we do have 
projects supporting languages that can be found all over the globe, our 
contributors can be found all over the globe. This proves the second  
requirement. There is no Dutch legal entity at this moment associated 
with wikipedia.

We can still have a local chapter. The chapter would however not 
represent the Foundation.

When we go this route, we have to provide on a regular basis the yearly 
financial statements of the Foundation. Its bylaws should also be shown 
to the tax office.

Please give me feedback, is this something that we want. Is this 
something also possible in other European countries ??


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