[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia hits the big time

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 17:52:32 UTC 2005

Poor, Edmund W wrote:

[from wikien-l - Ed is talking about another foundation,
not the WMF, who are interested in doing a Wikipedia

> The foundation plans to hire professional editors and
> writers. They'll create, say, an additional 4,000
> articles (on lofty topics, no doubt ;-) and also
> choose a subset of the half million Wikipedia articles
> to whip into shape.
> But I'm recommending to the foundation that any
> articles it revises be posted back to Wikipedia
> immediately - as opposed to waiting until their
> publication day. (I don't know the legal niceties; is
> prompt re-publication a requirement, or can they hang
> on to their version in-house till the last minute?)
> BOTH projects would surely benefit from this cross-
> pollination.

Heh. I wonder how their versions will go down with the Wikipedia community.
Are they familiar with the history of Nupedia?

Have you read [[Category:Wikipedia 1.0]] ? I've been putting project pages
into it that I think are relevant to the endeavour.

Also, the Wikimedia Foundation would beyond a doubt be highly interested in
working with this other foundation!

> I'd like to do whatever I can to reduce the 'forkiness' of 
> the foundation's project and increase the 'give-and-take-iness' 
> of it. Collaboration has been the key of Wikipedia's success; 
> let's not change horses in midstream.


- d.

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