[Foundation-l] [Ticket#: 126217-FW] Emily Dickinson poems

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon Jun 6 09:32:57 UTC 2005

Jimmy Wales wrote:

>Soufron wrote:
>>>Don't you folks feel like we're getting more and more stuff like this 
>>>these days ? 
>Yes, I think we are.
>The kind of case that I personally find most annoying are claims from
>museums where the art underlying the photo has clearly been in the
>public domain for a very long time.  If I get one more like that, I'm
>going to go on a rampage and make a lot of noise about it.
That did arise in this thread.  The third person commentor remarked that 
our 1847 photograph of Emily Dickinson was owned by Amherst College, and 
that permission should be obtained to use it.


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