[Foundation-l] Validation (was 2 M)

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Wed Jun 1 16:37:36 UTC 2005

Anthere (anthere9 at yahoo.com) [050601 20:24]:

> I think there are enough french readers of this list and enough french participants on meta, to know about this future feature (hard to say this aloud... :-)) ... and to make the information dip at the right places... though I do not remember having it seen discussed in french anywhere... well.
> This morning, I put the [[en validation feature]] page a bit in the light on the "hot news" on meta to help a bit it raise interest. But what I am confused about why are there not two different pages for german and english speaking wikipedias ? Will the same "frame" work for both languages ?

I would assume so. Although de: might want to take questions directly from
the quality drive. Mathias Schindler started a page for de: after started one for en:.

It would be good if someone who knows both languages could copy suitable
suggestions between the two pages.

> In any cases, the topic of the thread is about making a press release for the 2M, not a press release for the article validation system.

Separate press releases might be an idea. The 2M is a good opportunity to
push the tiny Wikipedias. The article rating system one can mention de:
before en: and mention the success of the de: DVD and the usable quality it
must have had for that to happen ;-)

> The 2M would be of interest to many languages, if not all languages.
> The article validation system, if it deserves a press release, would not be interesting all languages by far, because some languages are currently still in the process of trying to have *content*.

Yes. It's for applying to a maturing Wikipedia, to select from it and to
try to make it better.

- d.

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