[Foundation-l] wikinews

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Sun Jan 9 16:25:57 UTC 2005

Anthere (anthere9 at yahoo.com) [050109 18:20]:

> I may have missed something entirely...
> Onymous just mentionned on #wikimedia that wikinews was now in public 
> domain.
> Is that so ?
> http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Main_Page

I believe the idea is that while it's being trialled, public domain is the
least restrictive possible open content license [*], so it can be made more
restrictive later if needed - but it would be difficult retrospectively
making it *less* restrictive.

- d.

[*] insofar as PD can be called a 'license', etc., etc.

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