[Foundation-l] Forking the Wiki

Scott Nelson scott at penguinstorm.com
Wed Jan 5 17:04:32 UTC 2005

On Jan 5.2005, at 08:57, Traroth wrote:

> Can you imagine
> Palestinians and Israelis, Iraqis and Americans
> writing about dead people, killed by the "other one" ?
> I can't...

Your discussion had long since left the original point, which had SOME 
validity, and had degraded into a conversation about the specifics of 
various military weapons and stores...

So either get it back on point, or take it off list. I could dispute 
your original point (can you say: Editor!) but don't really feel like 
it. I tend to see the world as full of greys, and this is an extremely 
grey area.

Perhaps, for my benefit and that of the list, you could explain how 
this has any relevance to the Wikimedia Foundation:

>> Just out of curiosity, when was Fallujah nuked and sprayed down? I
>> must have missed it, between eating my double-Supersized Big Mac and
>> filling up my 2-mile-per-gallon SUV.
> There's a difference between the terms "radioactive weapons" and 
> "nuclear weapons".

Unless the foundation is considering getting into the radioactive 
and/or nuclear weapon business? The French certainly do very well with 
it, and you could probably fund the entire Foundation with a couple of 
sales for quite some time.
Scott Nelson

Living in a nuclear free zone.

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