[Foundation-l] Re: Swedish, Spanish, French Wikinews set up

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 1 18:33:50 UTC 2005

Erik Moeller a écrit:

> In the original proposal, I suggested that Wikinews can be set up in 
> any  accepted Wikimedia project language where there is at least one 
> interested  participant, and that 4 more regulars are required for the 
> language to be  recognized as "official", and for the firsts sysops to 
> be created.

Ah. I am happy to find out ultimately that I had understood the steps 
well. You wrote well here that 5 regulars were needed for the project to 
be recognised official.

I see "regular" and I see "official". So my feelings of what the 
creation steps should be were just correct.
This is how I interpretated the idea that the creation had to require an 
official step somehow, and where I interpretated that bulgarian editors 
or editors not active for a month would not be counted for creation of 
french speaking wikinews.

I am sure we will agree on this.

So, to end up on this, again, I do not think you broke any policy, I 
just think that if we stick blindly to rules, then a rule broken is 
problematic. In this case, the rule forgot to mention an editor had to 
be able to speak a language to have his name counted for a new project, 
so obviously, his name was counted.

We have two choices. Either to make better and more rules, by 
mentionning the opinion of a non speaking editor is not useful for the 
creation of a certain language, or we just try to be reasonable, take 
time before doing things, ask people around. Just another way of doing 
things. It takes time indeed, but that might be worth peace.

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