[Foundation-l] Re: Information flow

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Thu Aug 18 18:59:24 UTC 2005

Michael Snow (wikipedia at earthlink.net) [050819 00:47]:
> Anthere wrote:
> >What is funny is that it is assumed allright that developers only 
> >communicate in their area, but it is not allright for others. Why ?

> I tried to explain the difference in my earlier message. Basically, 
> people see developer decisions and actions as more technical than 
> political (most of the time), so they feel less need to be informed. And 
> even so there have been plenty of complaints about lack of information 
> from the developers - usually when something has gone wrong and the 
> developers are too busy trying to fix it to provide much information 
> back to the community.

As I understand it, they're snowed under in general. (You try running a
top-50 website and writing bespoke software for it on one and a half
employees and a handful of volunteers.) Servers are excellent things, but
another paid coder/sysadmin would (AIUI) do wonders for us. (Xenu help us
if Kate needs to get a dayjob, for example.) I've mentioned this before as
something that local chapter money could be put to good use on, though
possibly it shouldn't be left waiting on that.

- d.

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