[Foundation-l] Chilef Wikipedia

rodrigo vera rvabrilot at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 07:12:34 UTC 2004

I am a student from the Tecnical University Federico Santa Maria of
Chile, i am preparing a proyect for creating an encyclopedia of Chile
with mediawiki,

We plan to create a meta-site named www.chilef.cl (or
chilef.mediawiki.org if you like)  wich coordinate de effort for
creating this large scale proyect.

we really whant to create a "evangelization process"  for this, with a
litle help of e-mails, contacts in chilean universities (we have) and
chain reaction messages through people we know.

also we want to administer links with es.wikipedia.com for some content.

we think that a strong net of contacts will make all the force needed
by this proyect and want to  share it whit you.

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