[Foundation-l] wikiverse.org followup

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Wed Aug 11 02:55:41 UTC 2004

Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales wrote:

> They are off the air for now, following my spam complaint.

I can still access http://www.wikiverse.org/

I think their application is interesting and it's a shame they send 
spam to advertize it.  Apparently they combine each Wikipedia article 
with relevant news headlines.  I've been doing some news headline 
harvesting and I wonder if such a database could be released as open 
contents.  Or is anybody doing this already?  It's really similar to 
an RSS aggregator, but you also generate RSS feeds from sources that 
don't provide one by processing HTML web pages.  Can O'Reilly's 
Meerkat database be downloaded as open contents, just like DMOZ?

Is this a technical issue that should move to wikitech-l or a 
political one, and where should it be discussed?

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik

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