[Foundation-l] Re: domain donation, cybersquatter, our copyright

Jens Ropers ropers at ropersonline.com
Wed Aug 11 18:15:38 UTC 2004

I've now also notified DENIC.de about this issue. I did NOT /complain/ 
to DENIC about Dr. Schlabeck -- I sent them an expressly 
"information-only" email, purely to notify them of what's going on (as 
I think that hundreds of, or a thousand domain names are somewhat 
unusual). I did not lobby them to take any action whatsoever. See 

Thanks and regards,
Jens Ropers

There are two types of IT techs: The ones who watch soap operas and the 
ones who watch progress bars.

On 11 Aug 2004, at 13:47, Jens Ropers wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam of Denic,
> I have recently conducted an extensive investigation into the 
> activities of a person I personally consider a cybersquatter.
> My investigation was triggered by perceived (by myself and others) 
> infringement of Wikipedia (http://wikipedia.org) copyrights and 
> interests.
> During my investigation, I found out about an extraordinarily large 
> extent of questionable activity within the .de ccTLD.
> Because of the large extent of the related issues, I am now emailing 
> you about them. At this time, I am NOT making any claims as regards 
> the legality of the activities in question. I am NOT asking you to 
> take action of whatever sort and I am aware that it may not be within 
> your brief to do anything, even in cases like this. I am merely 
> emailing you on an information-only bases, simply because I feel it 
> might be helpful for you to know of these issues.
> On this basis, I would now like to invite and encourage you to read 
> the results of my investigation at:
> http://www.ropersonline.com/Area_51/wikipaedia.html
> The only issue I expect to be of concern to you is the "Gripe #5" 
> item, which I could imagine you to find of great interest.
> Note that Area 51 is restricted access only. Please log on as follows:
> 	user name: -----
> 	password: -----
> The clear text password is of course only a modest precaution -- I 
> just don't want to publicly reveal my results at this time (since I 
> don't know whether doing so would put me at risk to get sued).
> Please treat this information as Denic confidential and do not pass on 
> the said login details.
> Thanks and regards,
> Jens Ropers
> There are two types of IT techs: The ones who watch soap operas and 
> the ones who watch progress bars.
> http://www.ropersonline.com/elmo/#108681741955837683
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