[Engineering] Upcoming move of users from stat1005 to stat1007

Luca Toscano ltoscano at wikimedia.org
Wed Nov 7 06:32:55 UTC 2018

Hi everybody,

this is a reminder that in a week stat1005 will not be usable anymore.
Please follow up with me or the Analytics team if you need more time or if
you have any question :)



Il giorno mer 31 ott 2018 alle ore 16:03 Luca Toscano <
ltoscano at wikimedia.org> ha scritto:

> Hi everybody,
> as part of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T205846 we are going to ask
> to all the stat1005's users to move to stat1007 during the next two weeks.
> The deadline is November 14th, by which time ssh access to stat1005 will be
> removed.
> Background: on stat1005 we have a GPU (more details in
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T148843) that has been sitting there
> for almost two years, and it would be great to try to make it work during
> the next months. This effort will require a lot of tests/reboots/etc.. that
> can of course impact ongoing work of all of you, so we prefer to move
> everybody to another identical machine beforehand.
> Please reach out to me or to the analytics team in T205846 or IRC
> (#wikimedia-analytics on Freenode) if you have any
> questions/doubts/blocker/etc.., we are not going to enforce the deadline if
> anybody will raise concerns or blockers of course. It would be great to
> move everybody by Nov 14th but we surely don't want to disrupt any ongoing
> important work.
> I am going to update the Wikitech documentation about stat1005 and
> stat1007 as soon as possible, for the moment keep in mind that stat1007
> will take over completely everything that stat1005 currently does.
> I have already copied over all the stat1005 directories to stat1007, and
> I'll periodically sync them during the following days. If you don't find
> anything important, please add a note in T205846.
> Thanks a lot and sorry for the trouble,
> Luca (on behalf of the Analytics team)
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