[Engineering] [varnishkafka] RFC switch to VUT API for varnish 5.2+ support

Luca Toscano ltoscano at wikimedia.org
Fri Apr 13 14:49:09 UTC 2018

Hi Diego,

2018-04-13 16:23 GMT+02:00 Diego Abelenda <diego.abelenda at camptocamp.com>:

> Hello,
> I am sorry if this is not the correct mailing list to discuss this.
> At Camptocamp we are using varnishkafka, and we are looking to upgrade
> to varnish 5.2, however since Varnish broke the VSM API we will need to
> change varnishkafka too.
> Since they decided to make VUT API public, I was thinking of switching
> varnishkafka to it. Hopefully this API will be more stable than VSM API.
> This would basically transform the whole while block into a single call
> to VUT_Main() with a slightly modified dispatch function and some call
> to VUT_Init/VUT_Setup correct params
> (https://github.com/wikimedia/varnishkafka/blob/master/
> varnishkafka.c#L2150-L2195).
> The only blocking point I can see, is the call to rd_kafka_poll which
> will need to be made somehow outside of the "main" thread since VUT_Main
> is a main loop (a periodic call via timer/thread with a while and
> blocking call?).
> I have only analyzed the possibility but not started coding. I prefer to
> have some input first, what do you think of this proposal?
Thanks a lot for reaching out, I opened a while ago a similar task (
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T177647) and the idea was exactly what
you proposed, namely switching to VUT and make the necessary changes for
with Varnish 5.2. We still don't have a clear timeline if/when we'll
migrate to Varnish 5.2 as far as I know, so the work got a bit
de-prioritized, but we can definitely have a chat on IRC or in the
Phabricator task about next steps and ideas if you wish.

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