[Engineering] (no justification provided)

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Thu Sep 7 15:21:26 UTC 2017

I am guilty of a few[0] deploys with no justification:

13:09 zfilipin at tin: Synchronized portals: (no justification provided)
(duration: 00m 52s)
13:08 zfilipin at tin: Synchronized portals/prod/wikipedia.org/assets: (no
justification provided) (duration: 00m 52s)

The documentation on how to deploy portals[1] says to run sync-portals[2]
script. I have updated the documentation to make it explicit that a message
should be provided, similar to SWAT deploys/Deployers[3] documentation.

0: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Server_Admin_Log#2017-08-16
1: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikipedia.org_Portal#Portal_Deployment

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 3:23 AM, Chad Horohoe <chorohoe at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I hope you were confused by my incredibly vague subject line. That's the
> point ;-)
> As you're probably aware, whenever you do something with scap, it sends
> log entries off to the SAL. This is great because it lets us help build a
> history of what was deployed when--absolutely crucial when we're trying to
> figure out why something started breaking. What I think people might not
> know is that these deployment log entries can contain custom text provided
> by you the deployer. Here's a few samples chosen from the last couple of
> days:
> ```
> 20:03 demon at tin: rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions
> files: (no justification provided)
> 19:27 mattflaschen at tin: Finished scap: Watchlist filters: Convert edit
> watchlist button to new UX and fix server-side tag filtering. T172030
> (duration: 21m 23s)
> 19:05 mattflaschen at tin: Started scap: Watchlist filters: Convert edit
> watchlist button to new UX and fix server-side tag filtering. T172030
> 20:16 ayounsi at tin: Finished deploy [librenms/librenms at 5fea59c]: (no
> justification provided) (duration: 00m 05s)
> 20:16 ayounsi at tin: Started deploy [librenms/librenms at 5fea59c]: (no
> justification provided)
> 18:43 aaron at tin: Synchronized php-1.30.0-wmf.15/includes/jobqueue/jobs/HTMLCacheUpdateJob.php:
> 2d83569397 - Fix old regression in HTMLCacheUpdate de-duplication
> (duration: 00m 44s)
> ```
> See how useful those are? But wait, what's with the (no justification
> provided)...that's basically useless! You're right. And I forget sometimes
> too. But I think a lot of people might not realize that this is the case.
> Basically the way it works is whatever text you type after your scap
> command is used as the message text. For example:
> ```
> # scap sync-file foo.php This is an awesome file everyone needs
> # scap deploy -v Nobody wants this code anyway, undeploying
> ```
> This e-mail is not meant to shame anyone (or shame equally? I did include
> myself...), but merely as a pointer to a feature that I think is getting
> underused. In the last couple of months I count at least 250 deployments
> that lack a reason. I think we can do better :)
> Have a great Friday!
> -Chad
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