[Engineering] Upcoming reboots of all the Analytics hosts (including stat1002, stat1003 and stat1004)

Luca Toscano ltoscano at wikimedia.org
Tue Jun 20 16:00:31 UTC 2017

Hi everybody,

due to a severe kernel vulnerability
<https://www.qualys.com/2017/06/19/stack-clash/stack-clash.txt>)* we need
to reboot the stat1002, stat1003 and stat1004 hosts to install the new
kernel. The reboots are scheduled for 8 AM CEST tomorrow (Jun 21st), please
follow up with me or anybody in the Analytics team if you have ongoing work
that can't be stopped.

All the Analytics hosts will be rebooted too during the next hours; event
if this maintenance shouldn't cause any major issue, you might experience
some service degradation. More up to date information on IRC (in the
analytics and operations channels) and T168381.

Thanks and apologies in advance for the trouble.

Luca and Andrew
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