[Engineering] [QA] Browser testing user satisfaction survey

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Tue Sep 6 10:36:53 UTC 2016

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 7:42 PM, James Forrester <jforrester at wikimedia.org>

> Is the plan to follow-up with these with particular actions?

The plan short-term is to update the documentation. I am working on it.

> That said, it seems to me a bit muddy as to what activities would best
> serve the responses. I suppose education/support work for those that don't
> feel they know *e.g.* how to use the rake/grunt entry points, or where to
> start on fixing flaky cucumber tests?

I am not sure what is the question. :)

I think updating documentation and offering on-line and in-person training
should be next steps.

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