[Engineering] Scap 3.4.0-1 is live

Tyler Cipriani tcipriani at wikimedia.org
Tue Nov 29 02:25:52 UTC 2016

Hi all,

A new version of Scap has been released and with it comes a few changes.

tl;dr highlights:

* Old scap bin stubs (e.g., /usr/bin/sync-file, /usr/bin/sync-dir,
  /usr/bin/mwversionsinuse, etc) will now exit 1.

  Subcommands are now the only way to interact with scap, i.e., `sync-file` is
  now `scap sync-file`.

* Scap3 (non-mediawiki) deploys will now announce deploys in IRC -- you
  can specify a message for IRC via:

    scap deploy 'A message for the SAL'

* Scap lockfile errors now show you (a) who has the lockfile and (b) their
  deploy message. The output you'll see if another person is deploying
  looks like:

    sync-file failed: <LockFailedError> Failed to acquire lock "/var/lock/scap"; owner is "thcipriani"; reason is "scap 3.4 sync file"

You can see a full changelog for both the 3.4.0-1 and the 3.3.1-1 release on
phabricator[0]. If you spot any issues, file a phabricator task tagged with the
`Scap3` project[1].

-- Your Humble Scap Toilers

[0]. <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P4523>
[1]. <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/scap3/>
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