[ELiSo] Collecting feedback on a brand proposal for Wikimedia 2030

Ziko van Dijk zvandijk at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 16:38:44 UTC 2019

Hello Zack,

Thanks for your email, I am going to put a note on the forum of Esperanto

Kind regards

Zack McCune <zmccune at wikimedia.org> schrieb am Di. 30. Apr. 2019 um 15:11:

> Hello ELiSo!
> Zack here from the Wikimedia Foundation.
> I’m emailing you because we are in the final weeks of Wikimedia community
> feedback on a brand proposal [1] and I wanted to make sure we had thoughts
> from you and your affiliate.
> If you are just hearing about this discussion, allow me to offer a quick
> recap:
>    -
>    The Wikimedia Movement’s shared goals outline an ambitious outreach
>    target for 2030: “anyone who shares our vision will be able to join us” [2]
>    -
>    In 2018, the Foundation’s Communications team began a strategic review
>    of the Wikimedia brand system to assess how well it works and what could be
>    improved to reach the 2030 goals, specifically to simplify the invitation
>    for new people to join us [3]
>    -
>    The resulting research showed that Wikimedia is a confusing name that
>    very few internet users understand, while Wikipedia has massive (80%+)
>    awareness in Europe + North America and is fast growing in emerging
>    internet regions [4]
>    -
>    The research also produced a strategic proposal: adopt Wikipedia as
>    our Movement’s central brand, expanding its definition and linking the
>    project ecosystem around this most visible/popular project
> It’s a big topic, but this is not the final point of discussion. Instead,
> we are collecting community feedback to deliver a report to the Board of
> Trustees at the end of May. The report will summarize risks, concerns,
> needs, and opportunities in changing our branding.
> Your feedback is valuable to us and we hope you will decide to participate
> in the process. You can
>    -
>    Share thoughts on the project’s Community review talk page [5]
>    -
>    Or send thoughts via email: brandproject at wikimedia.org
> Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or
> would like to coordinate a session.
> Yours,
>    -
>    Zack
> [1]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_research_and_planning/project_summary
> [2]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Direction
> [3]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_research_and_planning
> [4]
> https://wikimediafoundation.org/2019/02/07/how-does-the-world-see-wikimedia-brands/
> [5
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_research_and_planning/community_review
> --
> Zack McCune (he/him)
> Senior Global Brand Manager
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
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