[ELiSo] Renkontiĝo de subtenantoj de vikimediaj volontuloj, Berlino (aliĝu ĝis 12a Oktobro)

KuboF Hromoslav kubof.hromoslav at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 10:11:37 UTC 2017


En Novembro en Berlino okazos renkontiĝo de subtenantoj de vikimediaj
volontuloj, vidu detalojn en la origina mesaĝo sube.

Ĉar en ELiSo ni (dume!) ne havas tiun funkciulon, mi informas precipe
tiujn, kiuj jam laboras pri tiu temo en alia viki-organizo.

Tamen tre utilus havi tian personon ankaŭ ĉe ni. Temus pri homo kun bonaj
interpersonaj kapabloj, kiu poste ricevus plian subtenon de la vikimedia
movado, ekz. per tiaj ĉi internaciaj trejnadon kaj diversaj renkontiĝoj.

Se iu de ELiSo pripensas partopreni, certe informu en tiu ĉi listo ĝis la
12a de Oktobro (tiel, ke ni almenaŭ sciu). Mi atentigas, ke vojaĝo kaj
loĝado ne estas defaŭlte repagata, do kaze de neceso mi rekomendas trovi
loĝadon per Pasporta Servo kaj peti VMDE aŭ VMF pri repago de vojaĝo.

KuboF Hromoslav
---------- Preposlaná správa ----------
Od: "Nicole Ebber" <nicole.ebber na wikimedia.de>
Dátum: 29.9.2017 16:48
Predmet: [Affiliates] Fwd: Wikimedia Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting
in Beriln (November 10–12, 2017)
Komu: <affiliates na lists.wikimedia.org>
Kópia: "Veronika Krämer" <veronika.kraemer na wikimedia.de>

Forwarded on behalf of my colleagues.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Veronika Kraemer <veronika.kraemer na wikimedia.de>
Date: 29 September 2017 at 15:04
Subject: Wikimedia Volunteer Supporters Network Meeting in Beriln (November
10–12, 2017)
To: Nicole Ebber <nicole.ebber na wikimedia.de>

Hi all,

this November, there will be a Wikimedia Volunteer Supporters Network
Meeting taking place in Berlin, with volunteer supporters from all over
Europe participating.

In an international volunteer supporters Skype call in June, we came to the
conclusion that it would be very helpful and inspiring to have an occasion
for face-to-face exchange about volunteer support related topics and the
possibility to work on some specific aspects concerning our work.

As you might know, the Volunteer Supporters Network (VSN) aims at
establishing and maintaining collaboration between volunteer supporters in
the Wikimedia movement in order to continually improve volunteer support.
We try to do that by offering communication channels for volunteer
supporters to exchange experiences, learnings, questions and advice.

After meetings and sessions with some of us during this year’s Wikimedia
Conference and Wikimania, we have continued discussing ideas and projects
online and would like to build on this momentum and meet in Berlin in
person to:


   learn more about each other’s work and get inspired

   discuss specific challenges related to working with Wikimedia volunteers
   (and come up with ways to handle those)

   discuss and learn ways to evaluate the success and impact of our work
   (especially when it comes to topics that are difficult to measure)

To do this, we would like to meet with fellow Wikimedia Volunteer
Supporters in Berlin from November 10th until 12th, 2017.

If you would like to attend, please send a short e-mail with your name,
affiliation and role to: veronika.kraemer na wikimedia.de (UNTIL October 16th,



   Two days workshop (Friday evening, Saturday all day, Sunday until after

   Number of participants: we are planning with a group of ca. 10 people,
   15 maximum

   WMDE would host the workshop and would be able to cover costs for
   catering, venue, and facilitation. Support for travel and accommodation by
   WMDE is possible upon request.

If you are interested in participating, please respond by October 16th, so
we can start planning. Thank you!

Looking forward to hopefully seeing many of you in November!

Veronika (WMDE), Raimund (WMAT) and Cornelius (WMDE)

Veronika Krämer
Volunteer Support

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23
<https://maps.google.com/?q=Tempelhofer+Ufer+23&entry=gmail&source=g>-24 |
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Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der jeder Mensch an der Menge allen
Wissens frei teilhaben kann. Helfen Sie uns dabei!

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207

Nicole Ebber
Adviser International Relations
Movement Strategy Track Lead: Organized Groups

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.

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