[Wikimedia Education] Youtube for schools and ambassadors program

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 13:02:33 UTC 2011


I've just discovered this YouTube for Schools
<http://www.youtube.com/schools> and saw a easy way to navigate on
educational videos <http://www.youtube.com/education> on this popular
video site. I was wondering if wouldn't be good to have a channel just
for the ambassadors program, such as the Stanford channel
<http://www.youtube.com/stanford>, TED <http://www.youtube.com/ted> or
even WMF <http://www.youtube.com/wikimediafoundation>? It can be a
useful too to penetrate on schools.

I've started making some videos [1] with professor Juliana Bastos and
I believe it's very appealing to other professors to see such videos -
when I posted them on my facebook, some professors of my network have
already become interested.

I believe videos with interviews of ambassadors, mainly the most
motivated, would also be good to attract other ambassadors.

Do we already have a central place where I can find videos of
professors in other countries involved with the ambassadors program?

Best wishes,


[1] In Portuguese

Juliana Bastos sobre embaixadores da Wikipédia (sorry for the wind)

Embaixadores da Wikipédia no debate sobre Recursos Educacionais Abertos

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