[ComProj] Logo

Guillaume Paumier guillom.pom at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 09:44:48 UTC 2007


On 9/4/07, Dan Collins <en.wp.st47 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe foundation policy states only that business cards may not be
> issued without consent, but the logo can be used freely. Attached is such a
> logo.

Please point me to the policy saying this. Besides, the logo you proposed
doesn't follow our visual identity guidelines:

I don't see the point of having a localized Wikimedia logo for an unofficial
workgroup (actually, I don't see the point of having a logo for ComProj at
all, but that's another story). You don't need any logo to do good work. Who
are the "outsiders" you want to show your logo?

Guillaume Paumier
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have
imagined." Henry David Thoreau
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