symode09 at hotmail.com symode09 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 6 14:15:21 UTC 2007

Platonides; most php pages similar to surveys often screw up with php, the 
site *should* work with the back button but, many don't. I think the survey 
can but, I have not tested.

NOTE TO EVERYONE: Please don't tell me mistakes - if you look for a few 
seconds you could find at least 20 - I simply gave the link so you guys 
could simply see a *little* of how it will look and so in the future, you 
can look at it and it will evolve (slowly) - if you look in a week when I 
have a few questions, you will see an early short prototype.

thanx everyone for the help :)

deni + ipod

From: "Michael Bimmler" <mbimmler at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 11:10 PM
To: "Discussion list for the Communication Projects Group" 
<comproj at lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [ComProj] WIKIMEDIA CENSUS

> On 11/6/07, Platonides <platonides at gmail.com> wrote:
>> symode09 wrote:
>> > I have been very patient and have gone insane. Is there a SFTP client 
>> > with a
>> > gui rather then having to type files?
>> >  thanx
>> >
>> >
>> > symode09 +itunes
>> In which OS are you?
>> Assuming Windows, you should try out WinSCP3.
>> I hope that by typing you don't mean manually copying the files to a
>> shell...
>> If you have any problems.
>> On the survey, "Choose only one of the following" is superflous when you
>> can only choose one.
>> "If this is incorrect, please go back. Do not use your browser
>> controlls, use the button inside the page." -> There's no back button in
>> the page (and the web should be able to work with the browser back 
>> button).
>> What type of account on Wikiversity do you have?
>> You can't have a Developer account on any WMF wiki.
> In theory...
> Look e.g. at 
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3AListusers&username=&group=developer&limit=50
> Developers there are "Aoineko", "Hashar" and "Shaihulud"
> On dewikipedia, it's Eloquence and Magnus Manske.
> I agree that it is somewhat redundant to have these (they don't serve
> any purpose anymore, do they?) but they are still there...
>> Nor can you be steward per wiki (you are or not on the global WMF wikis).
>> Nor can you AFAIK have Oversight other than in en: wikipedia (it's
>> handled by stewards).
> In Theory, yes. In practice there seems to be a bit of a mess
> On dewikipedia, Tim_Starling has oversight
> On frwikipedia, Anthere and Cary Bass have oversight
> Other projects, I didn't check.
>> Keeping it Standard User / Administrator / Bureaucrat sohould be enough.
>> Only maybe having Checkuser.
> Checkuser should be added, imho.
> Michael
>> Platonides
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