[ComProj] Please Sign up

Sandy Ordonez sordonez at wikimedia.org
Wed Jul 11 22:13:29 UTC 2007

There are several projects that need manpower:*

a) Wikimania - three projects*

* Please review Press Kit
* Need Liaison to help recruit Wikinews reporters, and gather coverage
* Need volunteers to help send out email/info regarding how to 
contribute virtually.

*b) Senior Outreach*

* We need to research senior associations and publications
* Draft plan of action

*c) Wikimedia Virtual Press Kit*
* Need to find out who is interested in creating this video and 
brainstorming ideas

As i mentioned in the meeting, if you are interested, please sign your 
name at top of project page, after "Assign". Use the wiki to draft and 
execute your plan of action.

Lets get these projects off the ground! We should be able to complete 
two by the end of the summer!

Lets continue kicking butt comproj!


Sandy Ordonez
Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Phone: 727.231.0101
Fax: 727.258.0207S
E-Mail: sordonez at wikimedia.org

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