[ComProj] Master of the Obvious - Case Studies

Sandy Ordonez sordonez at wikimedia.org
Fri Jul 6 16:27:00 UTC 2007

You guys probably seen this already, but you have seen the cool stories 
that were placed on the Case STudies page you guys created: 


I'm taken some of the quotes to be included in Wikimania Press 
kit...However, I've not used the names, and simply put Wikipedian User 
and Teacher, Wikipedian User and Father, etc.

This is awesome...sorry, when I went to the page, I had no idea it had 
grown so much! also, Would someone be willing to follow up with the 
following and actually try to contact and get a direct quote from 
Professor Isola and Prof. Adewole. Maybe conduct a short interview? this 
would be a cool case study to actual write...ie about a page.

Let me know if someone wants to follow up with this.

    News about Yoruba wikipedia on Radio

News about the Yoruba wikipedia was broadcast on Radio today (11th June, 
2007) at Orisun FM Radio, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Both Prof Isola and Prof 
Adewole who commented on the wikipedia were of the opinion that now that 
many Yoruba students are used to the internet, a wikipedia written in 
Yoruba will encourage them to develp more interest in the language.

L.O. Adewole


Sandy Ordonez
Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Phone: 727.231.0101
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