[Commons-l] Archive pictures of North East Midlands, England

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Tue Aug 11 16:28:38 UTC 2009

2009/8/10 Andrew Turvey <andrewrturvey at googlemail.com>:

> That's interesting. How does this apply to the National Portrait Gallery
> images then? These were copies of a British digitization which, under UK
> copyright law, qualifies as a new item subject to copyright.

...to be more accurate, *maybe* it does. The law is distinctly vague
on this; the statute leans one way, the caselaw leans the other, and
common sense shakes its head and gives up. Good arguments either way,
both on legal grounds and those of public policy, but no clear
statement; and that is sadly the limbo it will remain in until someone
goes to court.

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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