[Commons-l] revoking licenses /user-request-deletions

Vassia Atanassova spiritia at abv.bg
Thu Sep 18 14:25:10 UTC 2008

 >I think the answer lies in even more information towards our user
 >base. Users of Wikimedia projects, I think,  just don't *get* the
 >*free* part for most. It's just a cool thing they do, upload their
 >pictures for Wikipedia...

I'd suggest a questionnaire or a wizard-like sequence of questions and optional answers which results in suggestion of which license (if any!) best suits the author's will. I've seen something similar here: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/images/4/49/Choose_license_popup.png (accessible from here: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Web_Integration_Guide)

For instance:
* I declare I am the original author of the image. Y/N
** I allow commercial uses of my work. Y/N
** I allow modifications of my work. Y/N
*** I require attribution. Y/N
**** I require further distributions being released under the same conditions. Y/N

Good side is that people will make more informed decisions. 
Bad side... this will reduce the number of uploads...


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