[Commons-l] How to punish contributors

Jastrow jastrow at pip-pip.org
Fri May 30 13:01:43 UTC 2008

Le 5/28/08 8:51 PM, Cary Bass a écrit :
> |
> | And you're still asked for the "date of work" while almost any camera
> | records this accurately in the metadata. User friendlyness would be:
> | "Your camera says this picture was shot Nov 13th 2007 9:12. Is that
> | correct? Yes/correct".
> This only suffices if it's an unedited photograph direct from a digital
> camera which records this.  Anything else still has to be manually input.

Why do we require the date of work, by the way? It strikes me as 
pointless for most pictures I upload.


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