[Commons-l] Alternate information templates Was: Image description grammar (was: the great {{information}} campaign)

Florian Straub Flominator at gmx.net
Fri Sep 7 05:46:19 UTC 2007

"Gregory Maxwell" <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote on Thu, 6 Sep 2007 17:09:18 -0400: 

> Most of the fields in information are common to virtually every image
> why should someone have to support 40 different ways of reading the
> same three or four basic pieces of information which are common to all
> images? Why should the same basic three or four fields have a
> different presentation randomly on some images?
> It would be better to add lots of optional arguments to information..
> or offer secondary additional information templates which have less
> uniformity but more flexibility.

That would surely be a way to get rid of/improve the louvre template or make it subst'able.


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