[Commons-l] Durova tries to get us more pics

geni geniice at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 21:03:49 UTC 2007

On 09/10/2007, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd much rather hear about people's efforts to bring in other
> clasesses of photographers... people who have missions more in common
> with ours, rather than marketers whos mission is often so orthogonal.
> Other non-profits, governments, educators, etc..
> Why don't you forward news of that instead? ... Probably because it
> isn't happening. How do we fix that?

The problem is that most of the groups that might be interested in
that sense are well traditional. Online marketers already understand
the web to a degree and even wikipedia to a degree but how would you
go about explaining it to a local history group?. Sure the icommons
thing in South Africa probably had some effect but even that was
relying on an existing web savy community.

While the 1% rule doesn't hold for wikipedia to the same extent as
other projects it is still a major hurdle to overcome and even harder
to overcome in the case of those with more traditional ideas of
information flow. Markets at least already think in terms of trying to
get information to as many people as possible. The traditional
gatekeepers of information?


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