[Commons-l] New Project: Commons:Pearson Scott Foresman

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 01:12:50 UTC 2007

On 30/11/2007, Cary Bass <cbass at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>  I'm cross posting the Village pumps with this announcement:
> Here's a project for all you who have a lot of free time, good graphics
> skills and want to easily improve your image and edit count: Commons:Pearson
> Scott Foresman could use some talent. And to the rest of you, if you think
> that page could use some refactoring to help the process along, by all
> means, it's a wiki! Edit :)

Good GIMP instructions! I hope others who already know how to do this
cleanup stuff will help write similar tutorials. (adding pictures is a
bonus, even just writing the actions as you do them, and why, helps.)


They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:

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