[Commons-l] Creative Commons is introducting CC-Ø

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 12:48:02 UTC 2007

On 17/11/2007, Brianna Laugher <brianna.laugher at gmail.com> wrote:

> However the problem still remains of how to pronounce this. ;) "CC
> urh". "CC slashed-oh."  "CC empty set." "CC Close-mid front rounded
> vowel". Problematic indeed.


(I am reminded of Uncyclopedia's "Licensed under absolutely nothing,
have a f*cking field day" license.)

> Also note http://public.resource.org/ which apparently prompted this.
> They have collected a bunch of US government stuff, and at Flickr have
> uploaded over 6,000 images from the Smithsonian that they believe are
> PD.  http://public.resource.org/memo.2007.05.19.html (incl. links to
> tarball) Any comments on that? Anything new for us?


- d.

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