[Commons-l] Are models works or arts ?

geni geniice at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 23:59:00 UTC 2007

On 06/11/2007, Andre Engels <andreengels at gmail.com> wrote:
> However, I think that we should cut ourselves *some* slack in the
> depiction of copyrighted works. Very little can be photographed
> otherwise - a car or a piece of technical apparatus is designed, and
> thus copyrighted, and even photographing a person would be
> problematic, as you'll have to reckon with their clothing designer.
> Thus, allowing some depictions of copyrighted works should be
> allowable. On the other hand, there are also objects that we don't
> allow to be shown on pictures on commons, in particular sculpture.
> Maybe if we realize what the reason is to treat these differently (and
> I think we rightly do), it is easier to decide on which side scale
> models fall.

This is where the UK's rather liberal FOB laws come in handy.


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