[Commons-l] Fwd: Invitation to Libre Graphics Meeting 2008

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 00:35:34 UTC 2007

I hope some of our Polish contributors might be able to go!!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jolanta Soja <jolanta.soja at gmail.com>
Date: 1 Nov 2007 02:45
Subject: [Clipart] Invitation to Libre Graphics Meeting 2008
To: Open Clip Art Library <clipart at lists.freedesktop.org>


I'm Jolanta Soja, and I'm an organizator of Libre Graphics Meeting
2008 (Check http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org for more info,

LGM is all about participation. Artists and developers, feel free to
bring your laptops and show us what you can (and can't yet) do. Libre
Graphics Meeting is free to attend, and open to all.

This upcoming edition will take place from 8-11th of May 2008 in
Wroclaw, a great city with over 600 thousand population, located in
southwestern Poland, 160 km from Germany and 120 km from the Czech

As an official organizer I have the pleasure to invite Open Clip Art
Library project team to participate in LGM 2008. Please let us know if
we can expect you joining us.

If you would like to learn more or ask about something do not hesitate
to reply to this mail or visit #lgm IRC channel at freenode.

Best regards,

Jolanta Soja
Official Organizer
Libre Graphics Meeting 2008 - Wroclaw
clipart mailing list
clipart at lists.freedesktop.org

They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:

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