[Commons-l] [[n:wikinews:Broadcast]] resurrection - looking for people who know about video

bawolff bawolff+wn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 03:50:31 UTC 2007

Previously in wikinews, there was a project -
http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews:Broadcast . Its goal was to
create a vdeo eddition of wikinews, similar to the audio edition.
(Currently wikinews has the main website+daily print edition+weekly
New Zealand print edition+audio) Unfortunately the main contributor to
the video project (DV) left. The project then died. In total it made
three videos - the trailer
(in browser http://tools.wikimedia.de/~gmaxwell/jorbis/commonsJOrbisPlayer.php?path=Wikinews11Apr2005+Demo.avi.ogg
), The chili finger incidence part 1 -
, and the chili finger incidence part 2
(There was another attempt at bringing back video later, unfortunately
it was accidentally deleted by commons
for no reason, before file restore was implemented. All it really was
though was words on a screen.)

Anyways we want to try and bring it back. Unfortunately we know very
little about what we're doing, and don't have needed equipment. We
were hoping that someone on this mailing list would be able to help
us. Anyways if you're intreasted please say so on
. For more information see


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