[Commons-l] Flommons!

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 01:12:10 UTC 2007


What Flommons should do, is index each image page without the '.jpg'
on the end, so images get picked up by google, and then google users
get taken to pretty Flommons, rather than scary unfriendly Commons.

Flommons could be the interface for people who don't care about wikis,
and just want to find interesting content.


On 22/03/07, Magnus Manske <magnusmanske at googlemail.com> wrote:
> So I'm learning Perl now. So I needed a project to sharpen my
> programming claws with. So I remembered people not happy with the
> MediaWiki commons interface. So I thought I'd steal from the best and
> wrote a new one.
> Flickr-Like cOMMONS = Flommons
> Misc examples:
> * Single picture
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/~magnus/cgi-bin/flommons.pl?user=&mode=single_image&image=Venice_-_Church_of_St._Maria_Formosa_reflected_on_water.jpg
> * Files uploaded by a user (newest images first)
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/~magnus/cgi-bin/flommons.pl?user=&foruser=Magnus_Manske&mode=user_files&before=20061109094531
> * Category view (newest images first)
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/~magnus/cgi-bin/flommons.pl?user=&mode=category&category=Canals_of_Venice
> * Welcome screen (as me, though there's no real login)
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/~magnus/cgi-bin/flommons.pl?user=Magnus_Manske
> * Search results
> http://tools.wikimedia.de/~magnus/cgi-bin/flommons.pl?user=Magnus_Manske&mode=search&query=stern&doit=Search
> Notes:
> * Can be slooow at times, since there's no index on img_user/img_user_text
> * No login or upload (yet?)
> * Normal blue links stay in Flommons, light-blue links go to Commons
> The thing is a single Perl script. Maybe I should go and rewrite
> MediaWiki like that. Oh wait... (anyone aroung long enough to get this
> joke?)
> Magnus
> P.S.: Comments always welcome :-)
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